R.Y.E.S. (Rise) Youth – Share Your Story!

The RYES Journey:  The ROASA Youth Empowerment Series (RYES pronounced “rise”) is a platform that serves to offer professional-to-youth relationship building activities.  We encourage disadvantaged minority youth to make better choices in all areas of their live (family, school, work, and community).  RYES serve to match successful professionals with young people who are interested in and open to learning from their mentor’s career/life experiences. In addition to sharing their own challenges and successes, the mentor is also charged to teach and remind youth of how their ancestor have shaped and changed society for the better. (Watch our Ancestral Sighting’s videos on our eNetworking Channel at http://www.roasalives.org).R.Y.E.S. Community



4 Responses to R.Y.E.S. (Rise) Youth – Share Your Story!

  1. RYES WITH JAMES WELDON JOHNSON (1871 – 1938): Welcome Mr. Johnson to RYES’ Fan page, ROASA’s President, Sharon Parker wants youth to learn about you. Most of them my not know you mentored Langston Hughes. You will be our first ancestor featured on the RYES Fan page. We will shine the spotlight on your many accomplishments during the month of October in hopes that it will inspire young people to follow in your footsteps. Please like our Facebook Fan Page


  2. What more do you know about James Weldon Johnson? Calling on all adults and youth!


    • Johnson was born in Jacksonville, Florida, 1871 in comfortable surroundings.
    • His parents were both from the Bahamas
    • His father worked as a head waiter in a vocational resort hotel
    • His mother was a schoolteacher, who imparted a love of literature, music, and art in Johnson.
    • Johnson was the second of three (3) children
    • Johnson and his siblings attended segregated elementary school in Jacksonville
    • Johnson attended Atlanta University in Georgia – he earned a bachelor’s in 1894.
    • He wrote 30-odd poems during his Atlanta years to reflect his experience living in poverty and where he faced racism.

  4. ROASA, Inc. says:

    Get your children prepared for Black history month. More facts about Mr. James Weldon Johnson:

    • Johnson graduated at the age of 23 and he returned to Jacksonville. He return to his elementary school and became the principal.
    • He added secondary-level courses, and in 1895, founded the black daily newspaper in the nation, the “Daily American”. While the publication succumbed to financial difficulties within a year, it gave Johnson a platform for the development of his philosophy on the advancement of African Americans. His idea of “self help”, similar to that of Booker T. Washington held that Black must advance by individual efforts and initiative.
    • Johnson’s writing attracted the attention of both Washington and the more liberal W.E.B. Du Bois

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